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Breaking News: Protest Rally Sat. Sept. 24 to Bring Back Turley Post Office. Come to Warehouse Market show support

Late breaking news: Come to a protest rally and petition drive at the Warehouse Market in Turley tomorrow, Saturday Sept 24 and support the local postal workers who are supporting our community.

Event Will Highlight Hardships Imposed on Citizens, Businesses, Local Economy

WHEN: Saturday, September 24, 2011, Noon – 6:00 PM

WHAT: Tulsa’s local postal workers will distribute information and launch a petition drive to inform citizens and the media about the Postal Service’s plan to close the West Tulsa and Turley Branches

WHERE: Warehouse Market, Turley
Corner of Southwest Blvd. & S 33rd W Ave, West Tulsa

WHO: Mark Coyle, Retired Letter Carrier, and local postal workers.

MORE: Closing the Turley & West Tulsa Branches, which are part of a nationwide plan to eliminate post offices in hundreds of communities like ours, would deprive citizens of easy access to crucial services and hurt local businesses. Closing these stations would create a hardship – especially for senior citizens, those with handicaps, and our neighbors who rely on public transportation. Postal workers are informing local citizens about the proposed closure – and what they can do to stop it.

***These rallies are being held in conjunction with the “Save Our Service” Rally which will be held on Tuesday, September 27, 2011 outside John Sullivan’s office. Petitions signed on Saturday will be presented to Congressman Sullivan. Representatives from all three postal unions will be there.


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Next Week: Spaghetti Dinner, Turley Meeting, New Health Survey & Free Supper & Movie

Three Straight Days of Big Events in Turley next week.

Begin on Monday, Sept. 26 from 5 to 8 pm with the Spaghetti Dinner to benefit the recent fire victims, to be held at the Turley Odd Fellows Lodge, 6227 N. Quincy, $5 per person. Great deal, great cause.

Then on Tuesday, Sept. 27, at 7 pm at O'Brien Park Recreation Center, the monthly public town hall meeting for Turley area residents. come meet local officials, hear about activities and plans coming up, bring your concerns and celebrations and commitment to helping your community improve our quality of life.

Then on Wednesday, Sept. 28, come to the community center, 5920 N. Owasso Ave., behind the tag agency, from 3:30 to 5 pm and help us partner with the Tulsa County Health Dept. on a new health survey for our area; this is a new and different one from the one we did with OU recently; come take the 15 minute survey and stay for a free supper at the center, and also at 6:30 pm stay for our monthly movie; this month it is "October Sky" based on the memoir called Rocket Boys, about the struggles of poor kids in a poor community fighting against stereotypes to follow their dream and change the story of their life, thanks in large part to the dedication of a good public school teacher who believed in them and pushed them to greater expectations. Part of our September focus on Education.

Also remember we have every Saturday morning community garden Teach and Taste and Help at The Welcome Table KitchenGardenPark and orchard, 6005 N. Johnstown Ave., and also on Wednesday evenings beginning at 6 pm. Come see the emerging park and catch the vision of growing and sharing healthy food in our zipcode which has a fourteen year lower life expectancy than in midtown tulsa just a few miles away.

For other events in community coming up see the post below at


Exciting Events in Turley Community Coming Up For All

TURLEY AREA COMING EVENTS For All---Please Share With Others...
@ Community Center/Library/FoodPantry/ClothingGiveaway/Chapel, 5920 N. Owasso Ave. or other neighborhood places 918-794-4637 or 918-691-3223 or 918-430-1150 for more information.

Community News: Thanks for all who came to celebrate or to support Turley Day on Sat. Sept. 17. Let us know if you want to work on a team to sponsor the event next year; it only happens if we get people to agree to work on it.

1. Benefit Spaghetti Dinner for Fire Victims, Turley Odd Fellows Lodge, 6227 N. Quincy Ave., All Welcome, Monday, Sept. 26, 5 pm, $5 meal. Come help raise needed funds to go for those affected by the August fires.
2. Turley Area Community Association, Tuesdays, Sept. 27 and Oct. 25, 7 pm O’Brien Park Recreation Center, 6147 N. Birmingham. Meet local officials, hear what is going on and how you can help.
3. Come to the Community Center from 3:30 to 5 pm on Wednesday Sept. 28 and help our area have a voice in the new county health department being built in our area at 56th and Cincinnati. If you take about 15 minutes to help the health department with a survey of residents, we will provide you with an after school meal or dinner, and then you are invited to stay and watch the acclaimed movie October Sky about boys from a poor town in West Virginia who defy the odds and stereotypes and follow their dreams of launching rockets. Movie starts at 6:30 pm.
4. Turley Area Alliance Against Crime: Personal, Home, and Neighborhood Safety meetings last Thursdays Sept. 29, 6:30 pm at the center.
5. Turley Area Disaster Response Planning, and Community Leadership Coordination, working on small area plan and on incorporation, Thurs., Oct. 6, 2 pm, at the Center. We have been informed that now the Red Cross will be able to use the O'Brien Recreation Center as the community evacuation center in case of future fires or other needs; now we will be working on setting up community resource response and a communication network of how to let people know; we are still trying to work on getting a tornado shelter in our area with a mobile home park without one. This is not a town hall meeting but a working session for community leaders and those who wish to take on work for the community....We are also working on Cherokee School use, revisioning ways to use it for new community uses, working with OU Graduate Design School, and also ways to bring back a post office which recently closed after a century here....We will be working with others to do visioning celebrations and to show possibilities for new economic and community life in abandoned shopping areas in our area.
6. First Fridays Townhall with Rep. Seneca Scott, Catholic Charities, Apache and Harvard, Oct. 7, 5:30 pm, Community Coalitions Connection.
7. Plan It Now. Mark it on your Calendar. Don't Miss It and let your neighbors know about the Free Community Dinner, Third Annual Taste of North Tulsa, Better Choices and Healthy Living, Thu. Oct. 13, 6 p.m., community organizations fair, health screenings, at our community's McLain High School and Junior High School, 4949 N. Peoria Ave. Great Jazz Band, local restaurants featured. Some of the best food will be cooked by area restaurants and available for free.
8. Movie Night, Tuesday, Oct. 18, 6:30 pm at the Center, we will be showing an important for our area Documentary “Living Without: youth of incarcerated parents tell their own stories” followed by discussion. We hope to partner with area organizations who are focusing on helping our children and youth whose parents are incarcerated.
9. Families and Communities Empowered For Safety Presentation and Conversation with Sherry Clark, founder of F.A.C.E.S. Free Supper Program, 5 pm Tuesday, Oct. 25, at the Center. This will be a chance to help our community prevent and respond better to one of our most prevalant problems, Domestic Violence, and will also be focused on other issues of safety as well. Come to the supper presentation at the Center and then go to O'Brien Park for the monthly community meeting.
10. Community Free Halloween Party, Sat. Oct. 29, 6 to 8 pm, at The Center.

Weekly Events:
11. Bluegrass Jam, Every Monday, 5 pm, at the Community Center.
12. Community Garden Taste and Teach Gatherings Every Saturday 8 to 10 am and Every Wednesday, 6 pm to ?, the Welcome Table Community Park, 6005 N. Johnstown Ave. Come celebrate and connect and help us grow healthy food in this healthy food desert, meet new friends, come take on a garden bed for yourself, your family, your church; or come and enjoy the views and the emerging new garden park that has been created by local residents.
13. Recovery 12 step Saturdays, 5 pm Jerks Anonymous, 7:30 pm, Alcoholics Anonymous, community center

14. Turley Water Board Public Meeting, LAST WORKING DAY OF MONTH 8:30 AM AT THE WATER DEPT. 6108 N. Peoria Ave.
15. Turley Fire Dept. Meetings THURSDAYS 7 PM, Fire Station, 6408 N. Peoria.
16. Small Group Worship Circle at the Welcome Table Community Center, Sundays 11 am, bible study, communion and common meal, Rev. Ron Robinson. for more on The Welcome Table church go to


Turley Area History, CleanUp, Garden, Food Drive Day Sat. Sept. 17

Turley Area History & Garden & Clean Up & Food Drive Day
Sat. Sept. 17 8 am – 2 pm
@The Welcome Table Community Center
5920 N. Owasso Ave. behind the tag agency, one block west of Peoria

Free Lunch For Volunteers: Come For As Long As You Can. All Ages Welcome.

Food Drive For Community Pantry….
Litter Pickup from our streets: free bags, gloves, water provided….
Yard Sale. Take what you need, give what you can.
Children’s Activities, Jump….
Free Plant & Seed & More Garden Swap begin from 8-10 at Welcome Table Park, 6005 N. Johnstown; see the new orchard; Taste and Teach weekly gathering; enjoy the views; celebrate and connect; grow healthy food for yourself and for and with others in our healthy food desert; then it will be moved from 10-2 down to the Community Center….
Live Music….10-Noon
History Sharing and Talking About the Future: Noon-2 pm: Bring Stories, Photos, Yearbooks & More. Honor Our Elders.

Brought To You By your local TulsaNorth/Turley TNT northside volunteer grassroots A Third Place Community Foundation: Renewing Community in Abandoned Places, Growing Healthy Lives and Neighborhoods, through small acts of justice done with great love.

Please donate and surprise the world; see the button at the top of the page.

Call 918-691-3223, 794-4637, 430-1150 To Help Plan and Participate

Come to our A Third Place Community Foundation planning meal, Monday, Sept. 12, 6:30 pm at the Center.